A Little Inspiration
I love quotes! I adore quotes! I keep paper and a pen in my purse just in case I come across a quote that inspires me or gives me a new perspective on things. Today was one of those days when my pen and paper came in very handy. I was browsing through Barnes & Noble for about an hour looking for some good summer reading, when I stumbled across some quotes that made me smile and reminded me that I life is good!
"Life isn't about finding yourself, its about creating yourself."
"What would you attempt to do if you could not fail?"
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
-Eleanor Roosevelt
The first quote really grabbed my attention because for a while I felt as though I needed to find myself. And maybe in some ways people do have to do that. Maybe finding yourself is figuring out what college to go to or trying to decided what to do with your life. But I think once you have made those tough decisions, or at least thought about it, then maybe that is when you start creating yourself. Creating the person you want to be through the choices you make and the direction you go in life.
The second quote I though was empowering. Not only is it a great question, but its a challenge. If you believe you can do something, if you believe you can achieve your dream, then I honestly believe it can be done.
The third quote I have known and loved forever! I love Eleanor Roosevelt. I wish I had been able to meet her. She was a strong, graceful, gracious, and intelligent woman. This quote is one of my many favorites of hers.
The fourth and final quote was said by Ralph Waldo Emerson. He is another influential person in my life. He has many famous quotes that deal with a person and their internal strength. I love this quote because it reminds me that no matter what comes my way I can handle it.
I have tons of quotes that I love and live by. But not all the quotes are deep and life changing, sometimes I just jot down things my friends have said that are just plain hilarious!
Well, I'm off the celebrate the 4th of July the way it should be celebrated, hot dogs and sparklers!
Happy Independence Day!
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