Please excuse my absence, I have been thoroughly enjoying my Summer. Wine nights with girlfriends walks by the lake, dinner with my cousin, lazy days by the pool. So far it has been a great start to the summer.
You can find these photos and many more on Instagram. Follow me @maryelizabethrose. Today, my girlfriend and I are taking a little road trip to visit our friend in DC. It is one of my favorite cities. The monuments and buildings are beautiful. There will be Instagram overload! Hope you have had a wonderful June! What have you been up to?
You can find these photos and many more on Instagram. Follow me @maryelizabethrose. Today, my girlfriend and I are taking a little road trip to visit our friend in DC. It is one of my favorite cities. The monuments and buildings are beautiful. There will be Instagram overload! Hope you have had a wonderful June! What have you been up to?
i didnt want to start an instagram site but everyone's making me feel left out lol