Dorm Details: Halloween Decorations

While I love living in New York City, I miss having my own space. The dorms are nice, but not very spacious and quite limiting. But I am making the best of it. Since Halloween is just two weeks away, I spent this weekend decorating my little space with fun and festive adornments. Here are some easy and budget-friendly ideas and DIYs.

Glitter Jack-O'-Lantern

Many dorms don't allow you to carve pumpkins for health and safety reasons, but that doesn't mean you can't have a pumpkin at all! Instead of carving a pumpkin, you can use glitter or paint to create a fun jack-o'-lantern face.
Here is what you'll need.

How to:
  1. Tape off the eyes, nose, and mouth creating any shape and size you'd like your jack-o'-lantern face to be.
  2. Use a paintbrush or your finger to spread the glue inside the taped area. 
  3. Quickly cover the glue with the desired glitter. I used black, but I think purple would have been fun too!
  4. Let sit for about an hour or more to dry, then remove the tape to see your handy work!

You could also just make fun designs on your pumpkin like I did to this baby pumpkin. 

Once your pumpkins are dry, pick a place to display them. You can also add other items to you festive corner, such as Halloween candy (my favorite is candy corn) or flowers in a mason jar. 

Here is my festive ode to Halloween. I love how it spruces up my room and adds a touch of home.

This fun DIY is perfect for dorm life or a unique way to display your pumpkins at home.
How do you like to decorate for Halloween?


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