Awful Zaful
I am not one to bash a company or a brand, but I had the WORST experience with one company in particular and I feel responsible to warn others.
My friend and I recently placed an order together for a few things from Zaful. She told me about this website that sells awesome sunglasses and apparel for a great deal. I'm not gonna lie, I was skeptical at first, but she showed me a few pairs of sunglasses she ordered a while back and they were nice, so we went ahead with order. We bought four pairs of sunglasses, a necklace and a dress for only $43 dollars. A major steal! Less than two weeks later, I received the order. the first impression was not good, and things only went downhill from there. All of those items we ordered came squeezed into the smallest plastic shipping bag ever and, this goes without saying, one of the items was damaged when I took everything out. I was honestly surprised more items were not broken. That was until I took a closer look at everything. Once each item was opened, we found the dress had purple stains all down the back. I promptly and politely emailed Zaful to tell them about the issues and see what they could do. At first, they offered to refund back points to use on Zaful later. I was not interested. I wanted my money back. I asked for a refund to my credit card, which I received and was told to expect the refund in 3-7 days. To my surprise, the refund showed up just 2 days later. Okay, things were looking up, but not so. The refund amount I was told I would be getting back was not what was refunded. Another email later and I am waiting for their response on this.
Now, get this. Just yesterday, my friend who placed the order with me showed me a very interesting article on Buzzfeed. The article was all about a few companies who all use images stolen from across the web from Vogue to random Instagram users, recreated the pieces and are selling them at ultra-discounted prices. How sketchy! And, apparently all these companies are linked to one man in China. Check out the article here.
The point of this rant is that scams are out there. Sure cheap prices are nice, but not when the items are stolen from designers and recreated with cheap material and even cheaper labor. Lesson learned: only buy from reputable companies. Who knew the black market would end up on on the internet. Then again, what isn't online these days. Shoppers beware!
End rant.
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