Festive Fun: Gingerbread House
With the wine poured and a cheese board, we began. We ran out of frosting, ate just as much candy as we decorated with, and got some pretty gnarly hand cramps, but it was a grand ol' time. My gingerbread house is quaint, but I love her. She's such a sweet little cottage in the woods. #Goals

After a night of gingerbread housing, I have a few tips to share.
- Decorate each part of the house before you put it together. Your first instinct is to put the house together. Resist. Decorating on a flat surface is much easier.
- For the roof, wait until the icing is tacky and then put the roof on. It sticks much faster and it ends up being very secure. Or if you don’t plan on eating the house, super glue the parts together for no-hassle construction. It is cheating? Maybe. Will it reduce pulling out your hair each time a wall falls over? Absolutely.
- Always grab more candy for decorating from the store. Dollar Tree is a great option or try the bulk section of a grocery store.
#Goals 2020 hasn't been the best, but last night was a reminder that it hasn't been all bad. We may b stuck at home, but I don't mind if I can decorate gingerbread houses and work on my charcuterie board skills.
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