Snow Day Essentials

If you live in the Northeastern part of the U.S., there is a pretty good chance you had a Snow Day today! It was a nice little surprise to have the day off. Or at least a cozy day working from home, like I did. For an unexpected Snow Day (or any chilly day), I have a few v important essentials.

  1. A Cozy, Oversized Sweater. I love this one from Asos. 
  2. Leggings. A no brainer, really. 
  3. Socks. The more fun, the better.
  4. My favorite mug and tea.
  5. Netflix! Can you say Netflix binge.
  6. A candle. Nothing says cozy like the flicker of a flame.
  7. Your favorite blanket. This blush tone throw is adorable. 
What are your Snow Day must haves? Anything out of the ordinary?


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