Our First Tree

My boyfriend and I have been living together since August. It has been so fun to come home from work after a long day and cook dinner together, watch a movie or play Scrabble, and just spend time with one another. He has let me take the reins when it comes to decorating, and I don't mind when he watches football Monday, Thursday and Sunday.
I was so excited to get a real tree for Christmas this year. Our first tree at our first apartment together. I finally finished decorating it last night. We kept the decorations fairly simple with white lights and vibrant purple, pink and blue ornaments. For a tree topper, I used thick, gold ribbon to make a bow. (It needs some work so it's not fully pictured.)
Our apartment smells of balsam and I love it. I'm really looking forward to waking up Christmas morning and exchanging gifts before hurrying off to see friends and family throughout the day.


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