DIY: Pom Pom Straw Tote

Since the day I found out I was heading to Cape Cod, I was a mission to find the perfect straw tote to lug my belongings to the beach. I saw quite a few totes with tassels and pom poms, but the prices were just too much for a beach item. When I found this sturdy and simple tote from H&M, I knew I would adorably add some cute details to create exactly what i had envisioned. 

What You'll Need:
-Glue Gun
-Pom Pom Garland- Mine is from Hobby Hobby.
-Tote (Similar

I only added the pom poms to one side of the bag. I was nervous the garland would fall off from rubbing against my side. Once I decided what order I wanted the colors to go in, I laid down the second color first. This way I would easily lay the white over the black without getting tangled in the pom poms. This project took about 15 minutes. it was so easy and a lot more adorable than some of the $150 decorated totes I have seen. 


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