2020 Goals & Intentions

I cannot believe this is my first post in 2020! Hello, 2020! In a perfect world, I would have loved to posted this a month ago, but... life. So, let's jump right in!

With the New Year also comes new goals, plans, and that pesky word 'resolution.' I have decided to retire this word from my vocabulary. Instead, I am using the words 'intentions' and 'goals.' I have set my intentions and goals I would like to accomplish this year. I wrote these goals down, but I also created a vision board. This brilliant idea was proposed to me by my incredible health coach, Neeyaz of Unspoken Nutrition. I have been working with her since September and it has been an incredible wellness journey. When I heard about vision boards, I was surprised I had never made one. I have made vision boards for a trend forecasting class I took in college, but never put something together that was about me and my goals.

I spent a few hours on New Years Day cutting and pasting images that reflect my intentions and goals for 2020. It was a very therapeutic and creative session. I will definitely be creating a vision board every year from here on out. Seeing my intentions and goals laid out before me in a visual way is empowering and beautiful. For 2020, I set 6 intentions that I want to see through.

When I started this vision board, I knew I wanted to include a quote or phrase that really reflects my growth over the past few months. This quote was perfect! I have learned to care for myself and listen to my body. It has been a wonderful and eye-opening experience. 

During my wellness journey I really learned how important it is to pay attention to what I put in my body. I cut out processed sugars and really increased my intake of greens. I have never felt better and I have so much more energy. I want to keep these feelings up in 2020 and beyond. 

When my fiancé and I moved into our home, I knew I wanted lots of plants and garden for veggies and fruits. I am very exited to work on our garden this spring and summer.

I am a very creative person. From painting to photography and even the clothes I wear, I want to keep the creative juices flowing this year.

I also starting working out and practicing yoga more regularly. I currently go to the gym twice a week, which is a big improvement for 0 times a week! I feel strong, energized and so happy! I also have a great gym buddy, which really helps me.

We have lived in our house for almost a full year! While we have the big pieces of furniture, I want to focus on decor and making our home cozy, as well as a reflection of us. So far I have invested in beautiful curtains and turned one of our spare rooms into my own walk in closet!

Last, but certainly not least, I always want to focus and build on my relationship. I want to make sure I make time for the two of us and always be building upon the love we have for each other. 

What are some of your intentions and goals for 2020?


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