Five Tips To Help You Work From Home and Keep Your Sanity

It has been 6 weeks since I began working from home due to COVID-19. It was announced yesterday that the stay at home order has been extended through May 8th.  Seeing as we have a few more weeks of Zoom meetings, I figured I would share some tips that helped me get through this WFH era.

1.  Have a dedicated workspace.
This may seem obvious, but not everyone has a home office or desk. The couch is nice every once in a while, but I have found a desk with all of my notes and two screens helps me to really focus. I even added a plant and a bowl filled with a few pampering items to my desk.  I'm a little extra, I will admit that. But sometimes, you just need some lip balm and a spritz of Mario Badescu to get through the afternoon. A home office space doesn't have to be expensive. I used an old desk and chair that was upstairs in a spare bedroom.

2. Wake up at least a half-hour before you have to start your workday.
I login in around 9am and start the day with a team huddle via Zoom.  For the first week of working from home, I was waking up at 8:50am. Aside from opening my eyes and then immediately looking at the computer, I did not have time to let the dog out, get my coffee, and settle in. When I was going into the office, I had the 10-minute drive to work to mentally prepare (read: jam out to my fav songs of the moment). It may not seem like much, but having a few minutes to myself before starting the workday really helps me.

3. Take time for lunch.
Do yourself a favor and take a lunch break. Especially now that we are working where we live and living where we work, it's important to take that break to let your mind and body rest. Refuel with a good lunch and then get back to work. You will feel so much better.

4. Don't forget to drink water.
I have noticed a big decrease in my water intake since I started working from home. I miss having a water fountain at the office with crisp cold water on tap. Never thought I would be a Culligan girl. In an effort to drink more water, I set timers every hour. Stay hydrated!

5. When you are not working, step away from the email!
I think it's safe to say many people have their work email on their smartphones. I have a bad habit of checking it when I am off the clock. Don't do it! Easy said than done but just try it.

I also love this visual by @theself_carekit that she posted today. Perfect timing!


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