What I Read: November 2023
Creepy season snuck into November when I finally sat down to read the newest Riley Sager novel. Just one book was read this month, but it was a memorable story to say the least.
The Only One Left by Riley Sager. A deteriorating mansion sits on a cliff where a nurse is assigned a new patient. Secrets, mysterious shadows, and unsolved murders surround this home. Kit, the newest hire at Hopes End, is determined to set the record straight about her mute, immobile patient who was thought to have murdered her father, mother and half sister many years ago. In typical Riley Sager manner, this novel is teeming with twists and turns. The last 40 pages were a wild ride! If you are a Riley Sager fan, this is a must-read. If you are new to Mr. Sager, this book just might get you hooked on his work.
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