Mary's Kitchen: The Classic Strawberry Shortcake

Nothing says summer quite like strawberries. For as long as I can remember, strawberry shortcake has been my favorite summertime sweet. It's the perfect combo of sweet strawberries, crumbly cake, and cool whipped cream. Give me a big bowl and I will be very content.

One of my fondest summer memories is the Strawberry Festival held in East Aurora, NY. When I moved to EA the summer before my freshman year of high school, we joined a new church. Baker Memorial Church was a wonderful community of people. Each summer, the church hosted the Strawberry Festival. Members of the church pitched in to make the strawberry mixture and shortcakes. A buttery biscuit was layered with juicy strawberries and whipped cream - it was heavenly. I have not been to the Strawberry Festival in many years, but I cherish those days. 

In the past week, I've been baking away and testing different biscuit recipes. After trying 3 different recipes, I have decided on a favorite. The Bisquick Shortcake is the winner! It has the perfect crumbliness. The crumble factor was very important during my recipe testing. The crumbs soak up all that strawberry goodness. I want the shortcake to be crumbly without being too dry and this recipe is the ticket!

What is your favorite summer sweet?


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