Monthly Favorites: June 2022
June was a busy and beautiful month! My wonderful cousin got married, we celebrated the amazing dads in our lives, and soaked up the gorgeous weather. June was a month of growth and a bit of change soaked in sunshine.
One of my favorite things about being a plant mom is propagating. I have a prayer plant that grows like crazy. I currently have five vases of baby Prayer Plants scattered around the house. At night, the leaves fold upward, as if in prayer, giving the plant its name. My Monstera was getting a little lopsided so I cut two stems with nodes. They are doing well and almost ready to be planted in soil.
Speaking of soil, our veggie garden is flourishing! The cherry tomato plant given to me by a sweet coworker has little tomato clutters popping up. A few tiny jalapenos just started to show. Each squash plant has 2-3 itty bitty yellow squash. I cannot wait to cook those up in a few weeks.
Erie is most well-known for Presque Isle State Park. Starting in June, I spend a lot of time in the park for work photographing Purple Martins for marketing content. Field days with the PMCA biologist coworkers are the best days.
Our house saw a few minor decor changes this month. We have three rooms upstairs: the master bedroom, guest room, and my closet room. My closet room needed some rearranging. I moved the furniture around and it's a whole new space. Next, I plan to paint the room from pink to light grey. Tip: don't buy paint online even if a gallon of paint is only $6. I thought I was buying a light pink, but the color turned out to be a bright bubble gum pink. I also plan on adding a gallery inspiration wall in the corner of the room. I will be sure to share the finished project!
Hope you had a wonderful June! Here's too a great July!
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