My Favorite House Plants

Caring and adding to my plant collection has been a really fun hobby during Covid. I have quite the variety now and want to introduce you to a few of my favorites.

Swiss Cheese Plant - This is my newest plant I just picked up last week from my favorite local greenhouse, Potratz. It is just so cute! 

Monstera - This was the first plant I bought for our house. I found it at Home Depot for $20! It has flourished! I have even propagated it twice and have more baby monsteras all over the house now. It has been so easy to care for - all the sun and water every 1-2 weeks. 

Snake Plant - So far another easy plant to care for. It is very sturdy and I love the colors. 

Pilea Peperomioides - I wanted this little cutie for so long and finally picked it up about two months ago. I just transferred it to this planter stand and I love it even more now! 

Rubber Plant - I have had this plant for over 2 years. It was a goodbye/good luck gift from my former boss that she gave me right before I moved to Erie. Everything I look at it, I think of her and my team from my old job. I just recently moved it into this big pot that I found for 8 bucks at Marshall's, and I think it will be very happy there.

Right now I have 13 plants! My goal is to be a crazy plant lady, and I think I'm doing a pretty good job. I recently bought a philodendron to put on the mantle in our bedroom and it instantly brightened the whole room.  Plants make me so happy. I looked into this and it turns out, plants can cure the blues. Just one more reason to fill my home with bright, green happiness.


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