Back to School Tag

Arianne tagged me in a back to school post! Thanks, girl! I am very excited to answer the questions! I love the back to school season! So, let's get started!

What are you excited and/or nervous for this year?
I am excited to get back into the school mode. I have always liked school, and I'm looking forward to taking some classes I have wanted to get out of the way. But I am nervous about the classes I'm going to take, especially Accounting and Statistics. I am also nervous about going to school in general because I am transferring to a new school and that is definitely a little nerve-wracking.
What's your favorite part of getting ready for back to school? I love buying new notebooks and pens and pencils. :) I am such a nerd sometimes. And of course, I love finding a few new pieces to add to my Fall wardrobe.
What grade were you in when you first started wearing makeup to school? I think I was about 14 or15. I didn't start wearing makeup until a few months into my Freshman year of high school.
Where or from whom do you like getting inspiration for back to school? I get a lot of my inspiration from magazines and TV shows. I usually go to the mall and shop in stores such as Forever 21 and H&M. I also really love shopping at Target and Marshall's. If you have the time and patience, you can find some great things at Marshall's! What are your favorite upcoming "back to school"/fall trends for this year? I love the cropped or rolled up loose jeans and olive-colored pieces, such as pants and Fall jackets.
Where do you like to go shopping for back to school supplies? Target has the cutest notebooks and folders.

What are your favorite stores to go back to school clothes shopping? Target, Forever 21, The Gap, Old Navy, H&M, Marshall's, etc.. Will you be carrying a backpack or a purse to school this year? A purse. I use one of my bigger purses so I can fit all my books and notebook, as well as personal items.
What are 3 non-beauty essentials you HAVE to carry in your backpack/purse? Kleenex. I have bad allergies, especially in the Fall, so tissues are an essential item in my purse all throughout the year. Water. I try to drink 8 glasses a day and try to stay away from super sugary drinks, so water is the way to go. And last but not least, gum. Not only does it keep your breath fresh and good to have after a meal or snack, but chewing gum is proven to help people focus. What are your go-to hair products for this year, and what is your go-to hair style? I always use Garnier Fructis Leave-In Conditioner after I get out of the shower and Dove hairspray to tame flyaways. My go to hair style is parting it on the side and leaving it down. Simple and easy.
What are your go-to clothing items for back to school, and what accessories do you plan to rock this year?
I almost always wear jeans with a cute top and flats. Its simple and chic. For accessories, I love wearing simple and delicate necklaces and cute stud earrings. I am really into rings right now too.

This was such a fun tag! I would like to tag all of my followers! If you decide to do this tag let me know because I would love to see your answers!


  1. Such a fun post! Even though I'm still on vacation at the beach, a little part of me is starting to get excited for fall even though it's only August and I do not go back to school.....SO wish I could, though! Maybe I'll find a new degree? haha

  2. I like cute notebooks too!! If I ever use them that is :) I dislike writing fast and trying to keep up with the professor so I just type.

    I took accounting.. hate it haha. funny thing is, i work as an accounting assistant - kind of. life plays with me.

  3. Awesome blog :) I found you through your handwriting post on Arianne's blog :) <3



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