Apps I'm Loving, Pt 2
Retail Me Not
I occasionally used the Retail Me Not website for special discounts and coupons, but I recently discovered the app. It's wonderful. I found a 20% off ModCloth coupon last week before placing an order. A lovely woman who works at Joann's told me about a coupon while I was checking out, which was so nice of her! I make sure to check it each time I head to a store or shop online.
Words with Friends
One of my coworkers was talking about how she started playing Words with Friends again, and I had to download it. I loved this game. I am slowly recruiting friends to re-download this app so we can play!
I discovered this app a few weeks ago while watching one of Ingrid's YouTube videos. This app was created as a Yelp meets Instagram for food. You can document your meal with a picture and a blurb about it, as well a rate the dish out of 100. It's a great way to find new places and see what the menu items look like. I don't know about you, but I love when the menu has pictures. If you download the app, you can follow me and my eats: maryelizabeth.
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