Beauty Review: derma|e Firming DMAE Moisturizer
There is a Walgreens a few minutes away from my office. I tend to run there during my lunch break for household items such as paper towels and tissues to avoid having to stop anywhere on my way home. A few weeks ago, I was browsing the makeup section and settled on a lipstick. During the checkout, the cosmetics woman asked if I'd like a sample. Never being able to turn down a freebie, I grabbed a packet of derma|e Firming DMAE Moistuizer. As opposed to most packet samples that get thrown away or tossed into a junk drawer, I ended up using the moisturizer a few days later. My face has been terribly dry lately. For the past few months, I have only been spritzing my face with Lush's Tea Tree Water after cleansing. That regime was working for a while. The toner is also moisturizing, but I just hadn't taken the time to find a good moisturizer. Until this derma|e product came along. I use this every night and in the morning. There is no scent, which I like. Because it is a firming moisturizer, there is a slight tingling sensation that lasts about a minute. What I love most about this product is that it does not cause me to breakout. My skin feels hydrated and tightened. This will be a staple in my beauty army for some time. I definitely recommend giving it a try.
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