3 Halloween Costumes You Already Have in Your Closet
I am kinda lame this year and have no Halloween plans except to hand out candy to all the trick or treaters in my dad's neighborhood. I secretly love it because the kids are always dressed up so cute! But last minute plans do happen! Here are some costumes I could put together in a hurry from items I have in my closet.
Wednesday Addams is an iconic Halloween character. The only thing you might need to borrow or buy is a black wig with braids. Other than that, a black dress with a white button down are two items most of us girls have on hand. To really step up this costume, add knee high socks and black shoes.
Carrie is another great character and her silk slip prom dress is very much in style right now. For this costume, grab a slip dress (pink, if you have it) and a pair of comfy heels. For that extra touch, try to find a tiara and some flowers.
I have been watching a lot of Friends lately and honestly any of the characters would make for a great costume. I personally gravitate towards Rachel's outfits, but I have a bit more of Monica's personality. A denim button up, a black tee, skirt and an apron create the Rachel Green Central Perk look. If you really want to finish off the look, bring a coffee cup with you. You could also print out a Central Perk logo to pin on the apron.
Do you have any plans for Halloween? Who will you be dressing up as this year?
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